Friday, October 30, 2009


I do so depise the trends of this world. All these "cool" people walking around talking the same way, wearing the same clothes, doing the same thing: robots, I tell you. Robots.
Ah, well, there's a lovely little saying that goes: Use it, don't abuse it...or...don't let it use you.
So, use it I shall. --Facebook that is.
Before I take off, galavanting across the world, to visit family and relatives that I've never seen before, I buckled under and made me a Facebook.
Dedicated to Jo, I said, because I find it completely unfair that as her bestfriend my contact with her is almost nil, and other people post all these things on her Facebook as if they know her but much. Well, I say they don't but much at all.
In passing, while someone else was logged on - when I still refused to join all those Faces, I saw a Maria Santayana. --Still haven't stumbled across her yet since I've got me a Face. I'd like to find Paul, Dunaldo, even Jec. Roisin or Vince, anyone?
Oh well...all in good time.
Now, please! Let me stop getting flooded by those darned Facebook messages in my email!

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